
Having a Part-time Job or Not

After reading Linda Wu’s article about the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job, I start to think about the necessity of having the part-time job. There are two voices about the part-time job. Some will say having a part-time job can increase the experience of the work, but some will say students who have a part-time job will fail the courses easily.

For me, I cannot say each of them is wrong. I think these two opinions are correct. Because having a part-time job, we can learn something different from what we learn from our school. Actually, we can gain some experiences from it. But most who have a part-time job always forget what is the most important thing for a student. They usually cost too much time on their part-time jobs so they will always fall asleep in the class and then fail many courses. Therefore, many teachers will say we should study hard for our future and not waste our time on the job with the little salary. For them, they will think we are a student and the thing we should do now is concentrate our attention on all the courses; otherwise, we just waste our parent’s money.

I think we should think seriously about this issue. What is the better way for the studentshaving a part-time job or not. And this is my conclusionno matter having a part-time job now or not, we should think over which is the major thing for us now. (254)

1 則留言:

  1. Setting priority of all the things you do is the most important.

