
The Third Year of the College

In an instant, I am a junior at the college already when I perceive that. Many classmates have started to think about and plan for their future. The three directions most people choose are going abroad, studying at the graduate school or having a job. This Thursday when we had a chatting time with teacher Amy, I had heard other’s plans. All of them have planed for their future already so there is one thought from my mind telling me I cannot waste any time and I must think about my future seriously. Although I feel I have just started the third year a few days ago, there are only a few days of this semester. Actually, I have to plan to study at the graduate school. And I have considered about going to the cram school or not for a long time. Although I have the plan about after graduating from the college, I still feel confused about what I should do for my future. I think I still lack lots of practical thoughts after hearing others’ plans. Because other classmates have many plans and look for lots of information about what they want to do; however, I just make a decision without any practical plan. And teacher has said that we will graduate from our college soon and we must know what we want; there is no more time we can waste. If we do not seize the time to prepare for our future, everything will be too late when we become the senior. After that chatting time, I think I really have to do something practical for my future. (272)

1 則留言:

  1. It's time for you to think hard about what you will do after graduating from college. Brenda
