
The Reflection on Patrice’s essay about education

           The Reflection on Patrice’s essay about education
    After I finished reading Patrice’s essay about education, some notions arise on my mind. Although I’m not profession in education, I think there are a lot of differences between western teaching system and eastern.
    I still remember when I was an elementary school student, teacher always ask students “any questions? ” after his teaching, then no one answer. One day, when a student raise his hand and ask a question cause the teacher take a lot of time to answer him, a lot of student start to making such a din that teacher almost could not go on his teaching. I’m the one of them, because the bell for the end of class, I want to take a break. After that day, there is no one ask teacher question in class anymore, and the student who ask question was expel and bully by others. In fact, I have a lot of question in my mind, but after this incident I don’t have enough courage to ask teacher, and keeping quiet in class became a habit for me.
    After I’m growing up, I found out that the western school teaching method is so different for me. Their teaching method is a kind of initiative way. Their students always express their thinking and ask the teacher question eagerly in class.
    Maybe this appearance is cause by custom. Western student s are more open-minded and initiative than Chinese. In Chinese, the junior generation usually asked “don’t interpose question when elders are speaking” by elder. Otherwise, Chinese students are more introverted than western students, so we are shame to ask in class because we are afraid to show our stupid or think it’s an impolite manner.
    I think I have to change myself although it’s so difficult. But if I modify my learning habit slightly, I’ll improve my ability, maybe…


1 則留言:

  1. We will definitely learn more through the questions we ask. It's a way of active learning.

