
The Bucket List

I saw the movie in the bus on my way home. There are two main characters in the movie. Jack Nicholson acted Edward Cole. Morgan Freeman acted Carter Chambers. I saw many Morgan Freeman’s movies. It’s my favorite one.
Carter is a mechanic. He is very smart. Because his girlfriend was pregnant, he couldn’t finish his studies. He became a mechanic. In college, his philosophy teacher asked them made a list that what they wanted to do. But he never has chance to achieve. Edward is a billionaire. He works for earning money all the time. He never made a list what he wants to do. They have many differences in personality and background. But both of them got cancer. They live in the same ward. At first, they didn’t like each other. After getting along with each other, they started to understand each other. They became good friends. They have a bad common; both of them couldn’t cure cancer. It means they would pass away after few months.
One day, Carter made a list what he wanted to do. After finishing, Carter threw it away. Because the doctor told him he only has few months to live. Edward saw the list next morning. Edward told Carter that they should do the thing on the list. Because there is nothing impossible for Edward and he thinks everything is never be too late to be finished. But the doctor opposed them to do it, neither did Carter’s wife. There are the plans in the list as below: The first plan: witness something truly majestic, they went to Mount Everest. But the snowstorm was coming, they gave up. Both of Carter’s and Edward’s bone ash was put in the jars and buried in Mount Everest. The second plan: help a strange for no benefit. Edward helped Carter to finish the list. The third plan: laugh till crying. They laugh a little thing till crying, but ii forgot what it is. The fourth plan: drive the Shelby Mustang. It’s a kind of roadster and it is very expensive. But Edward is very rich, they still finished this plan and they also had a race, and Carter won. The fifth plan: get tattoo. Carter didn’t want it actually. But he was convinced be Edward. The sixth plan: skydiving. Carter didn’t want it either. When Carter and Edward “flying in the sky”, Carter screamed to Edward: I hate you. It’s pretty funny. The seventh plan: they went to a quality restaurant. The eighth plan: they went to see the pyramid. The ninth plan: they went to India to visit Taj Mahal. The tenth plan: they went to Serengeti national park in Africa. Edward wanted to hunt a big cat, he gave up finally. The eleventh plan: they went to Hong Kong. Edward made a woman talks to Carter and wanted Carter to spend the night with the woman. But it made Carter missed his family. After that, they decided to go home. On the way home, they drove to Edward’s daughter’s home. Edward and his daughter didn’t talk to each other for a long time, because Edward didn’t like her husband. Edward’s daughter even didn’t invite him to the wedding. Carter wanted to make them make up, but Edward was very angry.
After Carter went back to home, he passed out. Carter passed away after the surgery. Carter wrote a letter for Edward before. Carter told Edward to find the joy in his life. Edward went to his daughter’s home. Edward accomplished a plan on the list which is the most touching for me: he kissed the most beautiful girl in the world, his granddaughter. In the end, Edward also passed away.
It’s my favorite movie that I have ever seen. Most people don’t want to know the exactly time they would pass away. But Carter is very brave; he faced the reality that he only had few months to live. The movie talks about family, friendship and love, and to pursue the most important thing in your life. The thing you regret the most is not the thing what you did, but the thing you didn’t finish. For me, the thing I regret the most is that I never try to do. After watching the movie, I have a question in my mind. Should we do what we want to do when we are young? Or we do those things we want to do after the thing people expect: earn enough money, get married, have d child. Everyone have different opinion. For me, I would like to do the thing what I want to do when I was young. (775)

1 則留言:

  1. It's a very meaningful movie, and you ask a good question, to which you give a rightful answer for yourself. Brenda
