
3D Printing

     Science and technology are advancing with each passing day. Recently, a term”3D printing” is hot. Before I surfed in the internet, I thought that 3D printing is magic. What is 3D printing? 3D printing is a manufacturing process that builds layers to create a three-dimensional solid object from a digital model. In the past, the cost of 3D printing was expensive and the technology was only used by large companies. Today, the development of 3D printing is more accessible to small businesses and home users.
The following is the history of 3D printing: In 1986, Charles Hull founded 3D Systems and developed the first commercial 3D Printer. In 2010, the streamlined Urbee hybrid vehicle is the world’s first 3D printed car. In May 2011, the first 3D-printed bikini designed by Continuum Fashion. In July 2011, researchers at the University of Exeter have developed a printer that produces 3D chocolate models that can be personalized to create almost any design.In November 2012, Scottish scientists have figured out how to use 3D printer to create the world's first artificial liver tissue made from human’s stem cells. This year, in December, a group of researchers from the UK have used 3-D biomedical printing to successfully print new eye cells, making it the first time the technology has been used successfully to print mature central nervous system cells. The breakthrough could lead to the production of artificial tissue grafts made from the variety of cells found in the human retina and may aid in the search to cure blindness.

3D printing is not only being used on manufacturing, but also applies on biography.3D printing can regard as the third industrial revolution. I cannot imagine that 3D printer can print organs and cells. I believe that the magical technology will let many diseases disappear. Human beings may live longer.


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