
The Differences between Man and Woman during the Different Period

Basically, people can know who the man is and who the woman is easily from their different appearances. Besides, we have different way, different attitude and different point of view on men and women through the time. During the tradition period, people have stereotype on men and women. Men just need to work outside and they own the main authority. On the contrary, women only can stay home to do housework. Seldom of them were allowed to have education. Women were not respected at this time. But now, the modern time, such an unfair thing was changed! Women are not just the housewife anymore. They can work outside, have education, express their thought and own the authority to do many things. Especially, some of family, one who stays home and does the housework is the man, father; one who works outside is the woman, the mother. Now, woman can do what the man can do, and the man can do what the woman should do. Furthermore, people have open attitude on love affair. Man can fall in love with not only the woman but also the man. These are the differences between man and woman during the different period. (199)

