
some sentences

I found a webside that include a lot of good sentence, I read them carefully and have some idea about them.
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
This sentence is so touch me. There are so many thing need a huge passion just like learning English or music instrument. But except enthusiasm, perseverance is also indispensably. Our father, Sun Yet Sun said, “determined to achieves the great accomplishment” (立志做大事). A lot of people misunderstand this sentence in Chinese. This sentence is not asks you achieve great thing, but request to do a thing from beginning to end. I think its meaning is like"Rome was not built in a day". For example: quit smoking, keeping exercise, even finish  your homework, if you keep to do that from beginning to end no matter any difficult problem, then you got it.
The most important sentence for me is "Deeds, not words". I think a lot of people have the same problem. Everyone know what themselves should do something, and always mention their goal then express their determination by their mouth, and to leave a matter as its remaining status three days later. Maybe they forget, or maybe they’re lazy to do, or they don’t want to do…
There have some sentences which are useful to me:
“The leopard cannot change his spots.”: It means it’s hard to change my personality.
“Self-trust is the first secret of success.”: I’m not a self-confident person...so this sentence is also important for me.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”: why I choose this sentence is because a lot of my friends think my sight is too strange, but I tell them personality is more important than appearance.
“Life is not merely living but living in health.” I always sleep to less time…, but I can’t sleep more than 7 hours or I’ll wake up without alarm clock. Beside, I’m reducing weight…
“Salt water and absence wash away love.” I hate this sentence because it causes my ex-girlfriend’s leave.
“Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds. ““He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon.”” Fine words dress ill deeds.” Which one would you choose to listen, the hard-to-believe truth or the easy-to-fall-for lies? I don’t like person who always speak adulation. I prefer those who using blunt words to remonstrate person to be my friends. But I found that a lot of girls prefer listen easy-to-fall-for lies but not the hard-to-believe truth.
“The best is the enemy of the good.” Something I try to do the best, but it’s too hard so I give up all. If I decrease my sight, I might be success.
words: 480

1 則留言:

  1. They are indeed good sentences with truth and wisdom.

    Brenda Chou
