


For almost 2000 years of human history, the gear of fate always works on changing human life. If we speak of three most important things happened in history, we can’t help but refer to “Renaissance”, “Age of Discovery” and “Industrial Revolution”. Why I choose these three things together? What real important influence they made on changing world? Because these three things each represents different revolution of human life, they created a new vision of literature, ideology, and style of life. They was like a wave to sweep every old thing and overwhelm any obsolete thing which existed in past.

The Renaissance was culture movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period. Beginning in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion. Most productions in Renaissance showed a spirit of humanism which insisted that personality of human should be released and promoted science. They opposed religion, ignorance of human, and against theocracy. Such as “The Decameron”, “Divina Commedia”, and “Principe” were most famous production in this period. Renaissance was a dawn of human thinking, and it also brought a beginning of “The Enlightenment”.

Age of Discovery was critical period for whole human history. During that period, Europe engaged in intensive exploration of the world, establishing direct contract with Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania and mapping the planet. Some historian said “the age of discovery was seen as bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern era. The motivation of “Age of Discovery was due to need of business because the Silk Road was limited by Italian. So Portuguese and Spanish tried to explore a new way reaching and trading with east. After remarkable success of them, other nations in Europe joined this competition one by one for massive profit from trade. On the other hand, this exportation resulted in a new world-view and distant civilizations acknowledging each other.

Industrial Revolution might be most important event in history. It changed lifestyles and consumption patterns in human society and almost influenced every aspect of daily life in some way. It major changed in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport. Everything we enjoy today is based on this event which happened in 18th. There began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labor and draft-animal–base economy towards machine-based manufacturing. Because of industrial revolution, productivity of British had an explosive growth. The effect spread throughout Western Europe and North America during 19th century, eventually affecting most of world. For the first time, the word “capitalism” appeared in society of humanity. Capitalism was praised as energy for growth of society, and it remotely led to globalization. It changed those tradition ways of production. There began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labor and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing.

The achievement of renaissance, age of discovery, and industrial revolution basically builds up our modern life. Without them, people could still use animals to farm for their bread and butter; or, they just reside one place for his/her entire life because they think that the place where they live is whole world. These three things essentially changed our life, exploring our vision about world. Today, we can take a plane to Italy to admire those works which was created by those geniuses like “da Vinci”, “Michelangelo” and buy some cheap souvenir which is manufactured by machinery as a gift for your family.

