
A Reflection on a film - The Bucket List

The Bucket LIST
Recently, I saw a good movie, which is called “The Bucket List”. The Bucket List is talking about two old men meet each other in the hospital because of their terminal illnesses. They share the same hospital room together, and they become good friends. One is Edward Cole, who owns a lot of hospitals. He is a billionaire. He has divorced four times, and he has a daughter. The other one is Carter Chambers, who married his wife for forty-five years, and he has two sons and a daughter. Following the policy of Edward, two people need to share a room, and there is no exception. They stay day and night with each other and become good friends. One day, Edward Cole picks up a paper as a trash, and he finds that it is Carter’s bucket list. He asked Carter to have a journey with him, and finish all they want to do before they die. Instead of lining in bed all day, they want to do something they do not do before and have no regret after they die. At first, Carter’s wife does not allow his husband to have a trip. She hopes her husband can change another hospital to have a better cure. Carter insists that having a wonderful trip is worthily. During the trip, Carter feels very relaxed. He doesn’t need to care about his children, and worries about his work. The trip makes him feel better. He doesn’t have this kind of comfortable feel before. During the trip, Carter asks Edward some questions about life. “Have you found joy in your life?” “Have your life brought joy to others?” In the end of their life, they realize what is really important in their life. Why do people never know what we have got until it’s gone? Although Edward owns a lot of hospitals, and becomes a rich man, he has a poor relationship with his daughter. Carter hopes that Edward should repair his relationship with his daughter and does not leave any regret in his life. This movie reminds us to cherish our life at every moment, and treasure your family members and friends. Time flies. We are not immortal. Whether you are rich or not, you need to face a question that is our life is limited. Everyone needs to face death. Try to think that today is the end of the world, and your will not waste any minutes in your life. We need to reflect that do we bring joy to others. Most of people in the world are selfish, they just care about themselves. People often like to ask someone for help but do not like others to ask ourselves for help. We need to find joy in our own life; also we need to bring joy to others. If you can do these, I think that your life is meaningful. Sometimes, life needs to be limited, so that we will change our lifestyle. “The bucket list” changed Edward’s and Carter’s life. After they feel illness, they realize that their lives are limited. They can’t waste time any more. It’s time to find the joy in their life. What are the things that they really want? What can they contribute to their lovers or their country? After I saw this movie, I know that I need to set a goal to me. Make a list, and write down what I really want to finish. I need to remember that always do meaningful things and enjoy in it. Do I want to know my deadline? I think it is hard to answer. I don’t want to know when I will die. I think it is meaningless. All we need to do is enjoy in our life and do not leave any regret. (635)

