
The Reflection on Alyosha's Essay "Working in Starbucks Changes My Life"

After reading Alyosha’s essay “Working in Starbucks Changes My Life”, I feel the same idea with him. My part time job also changes my life, too. I am not working in the restaurant or in the cram school. I am working in the helicopter company.
I work in Bell Company which is made helicopter and it is a foreign company. The headquarters Textron is in America. Textron is a big bloc in America, but the branch company in Taiwan is very small. There are only two people in Taiwan’s company, the boss Jerry and the secretary Maggie. My mom and Maggie are friend, so she asked my mom whether I want to do the part time job or not. Then my mom thought that is a good chance for me to learn the different things, so she promised Maggie to let me work there.
My job content is about the accounting. I have to write down the cost in a month and make a list. What I have to learn is how to make a formal list and how to classify the cost. There are many items for the cost, for examples, stationery, traveling expense, postage& telephone, entertainment, etc. I have to put the cost in the correct item. I usually confuse and make the mistake about that at first. It is not really easy to classify the cost. And I have to write the check. I also make many mistakes about that. Although I make so many mistakes, Maggie still have much patience for teaching me and Jerry still be nice to me.
Actually, I really don’t like the accounting at first. My math is not good and I don’t like numbers, so I didn’t want to do this part time job at first. My mom said that was a good chance for me and I should have to try. If I don’t try it, I may lose many valuable experiences. In Bell Company, I really learn many things. I feel very nervous at first and I always make mistakes, but now I have been here half a year, I can do my job well. Maggie and Jerry are both friendly person. They don’t put the pressure on me. And now, I am not really to exclude the accounting. That is a very big change for me.
Alyosha’s job and my job are very different, but both of our job change us. I learn many things from Bell Company and these things can’t learn from my major. I am not very sure what should I do after graduate, but work about the accounting may be one of my choices. (440 words)

1 則留言:

  1. Apparently, you have gained a lot from your job. Brenda
