
The Rose Princess

Long times ago, there was a princess; she was the daughter of Persephone alone.  Because she was the protector of rose, we called her Rose Princess.  She is the most beautiful goddess, even the Venus can’t compare with Rose.
     One day, Zeus noticed Rose’s beauty, and he fell in love with her. As a result; Zeus set a trick, in order to be the owner of the Rose Princess.
     Rose was imprisoned alone in the heaven of garden
Wonder, where was full of rose and all the wonderful thing in there.  Zeus can only imprison Rose’ body, but he can’t imprison Rose’s soul.
    Zeus gave anything what he can give to her, but only one thing he can’t give to her
Freedom what Rose most wants.  Rose knew that Zeus was crush on her beauty, not the inside of Rose.  She was waiting for someone to rescue her from the prison, but Zeus was the supreme ruler of the goddess no one could defeat him.  For all that, Rose still kept hopeful about her future; Zeus can’t predict the future and resist the destiny even though he was the greatest ruler.
    The story of Rose Princess spread all over the world, and there was a man named Jack was curious about the story of Rose is truth or fictitious.  Jack was a human; he didn’t have power so that Persephone gave a magical seed and a golden axe to him. The magical seed grow bigger and faster than other plants and it became a huge tree which can reach the heaven. When Jack found out the Rose Princess, they fell in love with each other in the first sight. He used the golden axe to cut down the chain on Wonder’s gate and went away with Rose from the prison.
    Zeus was greatly anger about the escape of Rose and threatened her that he would revenge this humiliation.  Zeus killed Jack and suspended his body on the Olympus to warn the people who want to against him.  Rose was imprisoned against in Wonder; she wanted to rescue the Jack’s life but nothing she can do.  Hera was the wife of Zeus; she was jealous of Rose.  Hera made a deal with Rose, if Rose wanted to bring Jack back to life; she should in exchange of herself.  Hera gave a poisonous red wine to Rose.   After Rose suicide, she became a red rose.  The thorn was the Hera’s cures, even she became a rose she still beautiful.  The thorn made the people who close to her would be hurt.  There were no rose with red color and thorns before Rose suicide. (443, 2248)

