
The Differences between Men and Women

Women seem to be from the planet of Venus, while men are from the planet of Mars. Venus was born from the Ocean and is the goddess of love and beauty. We often hear from others that women are made of water. It is hence no surprise for people to think that women are prone to crying.
Men and women are very different in bothe physical or mental terms. Women are generally more sensitive than men, and they care about everything that is around them. In contrast, men are less sensitive and negligent. According to scientific research results, it reveals that men's right brain are more developed than women. So typically men's spatial competence is stronger than women. However, women's left brain is more development than men. We know from research that the left brain is in charge of controlling speech. We can obviously see that girls prefer to communicate with people, boys like machines and fights. When children play the game, we can see that boys and girls are very different. Boys always play with toy cars and robots, while girls always play with dolls.
In addition, men are more physically built than women. Men act swifter than women so that men always need to hunt in ancient times. However, all the statements above are generalizations and not concrete facts. We can improve our abilities with through training. Besides, men are more independent than women, and hence parents are always more worried about their daughters. I remember when I was in sixth grade, whenever I wanted to go out with friends, my parents would ask for my whereabouts, and restricted the time for me to go home. However, when my older brother went out, my parents were not so worried and let him had more freedom.
Also women are prone to be romantic, while men are usually more realistic than women. In conclusion, men and women are very different, we can get along with each other with good communications.
(336words by Linda Peng)

