
When Harry met Sally

When Harry met Sally
It was a film talking about love. From the ancient drama “Romeo and Juliet” to today film “Titanic”, the plot of love story forever was related a girl meeting a boy, then they uncontrollably was attracted to each other. As if they were meant to be lover. In the same time, there always exists an outside opposition on the way to resist their love. No matter it is a drama or film, love always expressed itself in different kind of way. The film “When Harry met Sally” denied the rule of love story. It seems to break the definition of love story, but it actually gave a modern meaning in old love story. The director used an unusual style to narrate this story and tried to discuss common issues existed between male and female like “is it possible that love without sex”.
When Harry met firstly Sally, they talked about relationship between male and female. Harry said that he didn’t believe the pure friendship among male and female. The sex always gets in the way. Sally said that sex don’t exist in real friendship. Although they hold a distinct perspective to same issue, they basically have a common principle to the issue. “Two real friends must overcome the limitation of sex.
Five years late, Harry ran into Sally in airport. Sally had new boyfriend, Harry was going to get married. Next five year late, they met each other again. Sally recently broke up with her boyfriend, and Harry just divorced with her wife. They slow became friends and kept no secret to each other. After experiencing the hurt of lovethey still held personal opinion to love. Sally believed that love happened before sex. Harry thought that sex is totally different thing from love. Love can’t be mention in same position with sex. They carefully maintained this close friendship in each other.One day, Sally received a phone call from her ex-boyfriend ,and she was informed that he was going to married. The great strike caused Sally to be blind in occurring one-night love with Harry. This unexpected thing broken the balance between them. The limitation of sex was be overcame in that night. Harry was afraid that their pure friendship would be destroyed by sex. They started to avoid meeting each other. In the end, Harry realized that Sally is his destined soul mate in life. He ran through blocks to tell Sally that he love everything Sally has. No matter it is love or sex, as long as they find the real bond that is true, honest, open realization between each other. This is a secret of success to maintain close relationship in lover or couple.

