
The Reflection on Tai Kuo’s Essay “It’s Time to Grow Up”

Something that you are used to using disappeared suddenly; you would feel something wrong and next minutes you may go to get the other one to replace the losing one. However, someone who you are used to getting alone with disappeared from your life suddenly; what you feel is not merely something wrong, and you are not able to find someone to replace the losing one. Nevertheless, what we can do is to cherish everything and everyone surrounding in our life when we alive.
Her essay touched me as soon as I finished reading it. Because my grandpa also past away, I can realize the feeling what she said. My grandpa liked cooking and he cooked well. He used to cook delicious cuisines on some festival days. On the Lantern Festival, I used to rub sweet dumplings with my grandpa before dawn when I was a child. In the morning, we could taste the delicious sweet dumplings we rubbed. On the Dragon Boat Festival, I used to sit beside my grandpa and look him making the rice dumplings. However, these changed after my grandpa past away. I have never rubbed the sweet dumplings and seen the scene of my grandpa made the rice dumplings since him past away. Until now, the time for these festivals coming every year, they remind me of thinking of my grandpa.
I still remember the day when my little brother and I knew my grandpa past away, we hid to cry together. In that age, we can not accept that the truth about grandpa had gone. In our childlike mind, we still expected that our grandpa would come back in the next day. However, when I grow up, sometimes I found that the time is like the death. When it gone, it would not come back any more; and you can not make it back. What you can do just keep going forward.
No one could know what will happen in the next minute. It is just like what the Tai Kuo said in her essay: “Life is not a bed of roses. Everything could happen.” Thus, do not make us regret in our life. If there is something you want to do, just do it! And do not shy for express your love to the people who are important to you in your life.
We can not control the time we pass away but we can cherish the time we live. Cherish the time when we get alone with our family, our friends, and many other important one in our life. (439)

1 則留言:

  1. Cherish every moment we have with our loved ones. Brenda
