
Just murmur

It’s the end of this year...time flies. There are too many things I haven’t to do.
Life: I haven’t reduce my weight. I haven’t change my habit to sleep early. I haven’t keep my room clean. I haven’t change my habit about eating at mid night. I haven’t real quit smoking. I haven’t save money for my future.
Study: I haven’t groove in study hard every day. I haven’t erase my computer games. I haven’t looking someone when I am speaking to him completely directly. I haven’t plan the entire thing what I should do before its dead line. I haven’t use to notice my schedule in my notebook. I haven’t change my study attitude in class. I haven’t improve my English to a degree which can talk fluently with a foreigner.
Band: I haven’t become a famous drummer teacher. I haven’t learne well at play guitar, bass and keyboard. I haven’t play a big performance at a big stage. I haven’t create a song which I satisfied. I haven’t play Turkish March with 宇倫. I haven’t can play amazing solo instantly. I haven’t play a song which can touch me deeply.
Feeling: I haven’t visit my dad these year. I haven’t send a letter to my old friend. I haven’t prepare a gift for a girl. I haven’t give up to chase a girl. I haven’t be in love with someone. I haven’t find a good hairstyle which suit me. I haven’t find a useful way to chase girl. I haven’t find a “brother” in class.
I think these are all my new year’s willing…
Words: 277

1 則留言:

  1. It's overwhelming to just think of so many things that need to be done, which is actually a motive for us to move forward. I think what you need most now is "Just do it."

    Brenda Chou
