
How to Live in the Wilderness?

Living in the wilderness is pretty hard, but you can survive! Some of us watch the "Survivor" series on television just for laughs, because with so much food around them, the competitors should be eating like kings, but they haven't a clue about living in such bountiful surroundings. If we get lost in the wilderness, we should calm down and think carefully.
The following is that you have to do in tha wilderness: Collect your belongings in a backpack that has everything you need, but easy to carry. Pick a safe, secure site where you can stay. Close to a water source, but far enough where you will not be in danger of animals or high tides. First, fire is the essence to comfort in the wild and let you keep warm. Burning keeps away flies and mosquitoes. When you cook with fire do not use flame, build a fire long before you eat to create a hot bed of coals, open flame will burn your food to a black crisp. Second, you should find food before sunset. You do not eat anything unless you know that it is edible. You can try to eat insects and grubs Third, a lean to is an easy to construct shelter. You cannot sleep on bare ground, and always make the floor of your shelter something like hemlock bows, leaves, or hay. You will freeze if you sleep on the dirt. Stay calm and as relaxed as possible. Fourth, make water a priority. You can last without food for up to a month, but water is essential. Drinking purified water is critical. You can get many diseases from dirty water. You do not know if there is a dead animal upstream from you. So purify all your water. The easiest way is to boil it for 10 minutes.  Final, we should realize the direction and go toward to the south if you stay the nation of northern hemisphere.


