
To my dear hometown

     I have lived in Taiwan for twenty years and I have spent twenty years to witness the up and down of Taiwan. When I was a little girl, my kindergarten teacher bought the whole class to visit the police officer. At that time, I learned I had to follow the law and do good things. Then, I encountered the biggest exam which was associated the senior school I studied. And, I knew I had to responsibility to myself. During these twenty years, I have ever felt down and disappointed to my life.
To be honest, I don’t satisfied myself but I knew no one is perfect. For example, I was chose my English teacher’s TA and I thought that is the key reason why I chose English as my major. However, I gave so much pressure to my classmates; they started to be afraid of English. My friends gave me many suggest and they encourage me so much. Although, I found the reason in the end, this thing gave me a strong hit to my ability. I had to say I spent a long time to deal my motion about that thing and I stood up again. My hometown also encountered the more serious and dangerous things than me, and it stood still there until now. No matter what strong and shock hit, we had to believe ourselves and we used our whole power to stand up even we wanted to hide in back.

Besides that disappointed and down things in the life, I also have some bright and pleasure memory. My ability was approved by my teacher. This is the up in my life. Thus, these positive power and assurance can give us energy to improve ourselves. My hometown, these things I learned from other Taiwan people. Because of you, we can enjoy our life and learn the new things until we become the old. And, today is your birthday. Finally, I want to say that Taiwan, my hometown, happy birthday to you. (337)    

1 則留言:

  1. This is a piece of meaningful writings, and let me tell you everybody has hard times and disappointments with their life, but we should not give up and give in.. Keep fight!!
