

When we are getting older and older, we must have a lot of duties than before. Then, I start to think one thing what I can do in the future. Obviously, it is a no answer question. As a junior student, I ‘ll graduate no more tow years. What will be my job after I graduate? What will be my life like? I’m the eldest child in my home. I must raise my family to show my ability and responsibility. Choosing English as my major is just due to my interest. I even don’t know whether my job will relate to my interest or not. If not, I will feel very painful .One day, I grab a golden chance, and start to build my organization. Although I encounter many difficulties and obstacles , I won’t give up.

Because I know what I am doing is right , I have to walk forward without any hesitation. I want to help my friends to find what they are and also build their self-confidence. What’s more, I want to change no matter my appearance , personality or competence. Our destiny is controlled in our hand ,that is to say , no one can influence ore decision. To change original ourselves, we must do something otherwise we are just a normal people who is punching the clock, getting paid a month and learning something out of being scolding. Which way of life do we want to live in the future? Think about it!

(526/2000)  Ava  Ju

2 則留言:

  1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  2. So people all should focus on their goals and never give up from your hopes :))

