
"A Beautiful Trip"

I read a book which was called a “beautiful trip”. The author is 林依晨 (what a beauty!). This book talk about her trip in London and content of the book include some famous scenic spots pictures, author’s feeling in the trip and a lot of short story or feature in London.
If we talk about a trip to London, we must mention the tower bridge, Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Cambridge…or the other famous scenery. But, because Britain governments ask their street, and building’s looking keep in classical style, you will feel their street sight full of native features.
Besides, I very surprised about it’s hard to find a restaurant to eat their native food, something like pot roast, roast chicken, stodge(烤布丁) because Londoner think “the most delicious food is which mom cooking” . And those food need to prepare for a long time, so it’s hard to sell in restaurant.
This book let me to expect someday maybe I can take a trip their by myself, it must be an unforgettable travel.

